To be seen or to be the seer.

I had a visit with my lawyer concerning a project that is near and dear to my heart and my very well being.  Without going into details, suffice it to say he feels that I am at risk.  That my well being is at risk if I proceed.

No sooner had I left that conversation and another one came to me on the topic of bullying and standing up.  I couldn't help but think the universe is sending me a message, or at least a question.  This happens a lot.  The question is, why me.

The root of this question comes from an event that happened almost three years ago now.  It changed my life, for the better.  (I can say that now because I am on the other side.)

Life changing events are not always fun.  Childbirth is not fun, no matter what anyone says. School is not fun.  This event was the epoch of all events in my life so far, because it was the first time in my life that I felt afraid, and apparently with good reason.

Yesterday I attended my life-changing level 3 class with the Pirate Yoga King himself.  The focus was to separate the being seen from being the see-er.  I couldn't help but notice a theme that was building for the day.  My decision is this:  is it better in this situation to be the see-er, or to be seen? It takes me back to the battle fields of the Bhagavad Gita and the answers to the questions: Am I the warrior in this scenario, or the sitting duck? Is there a way to "win" without fighting? Is this battle happening already, or is it just beginning?

In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the quest is to separate the see-er from the one who is seen, the Pirate King explains. 

He led us through a myriad of perspectives, altering poses upside down, against the wall and every where in between.

I always find  pincha mayurasana (fore arm stand)  to be a useful place to ponder this shift in perspective.  In an inverted position, I find all kinds of clarity, or I fall over.  When there's a storm in my mind, sometimes the turbulence gets intense, and the crash is imminent.  Yesterday I flipped over backwards. Luckily I am practiced at falling, landing and getting up again.

So can I be the seer in this situation, or am I the one who is seen?  Why does this matter to me?  The answers is simple but complex. Because it came to me and  my life and perspective was changed.
